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P: 425-610-7396
F: 425-264-8736
Frequently Asked Questions. Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.
How do I get started?Please see the link for our FORMS to complete the driving pre-admit form, we will let you know if we need the HIPPA release. Please return the form to or bring it with you to the evaluation. It can also be mailed to 1426 Rucker Ave. Everett WA 98201 Please fill out the PT Intake form and HIPPA release for a rehab service.
Are my driving results given to the Washington Department of Licensing?No. Individual reports are shared with the client, the physician, or the funding party if applicable. Drive Rehab Services is a private company that is not contracted with the WA state Department of Licensing.
Do you bill Medicare or Insurance?We do not bill insurance but are able to accept payment from a health savings account. Payment is made in advance or at the time of the appointment. Individuals may submit required documents directly to their provider, if they feel reimbursement is an option. We do offer financial assistance for those that qualify. Please fill out the appropriate form under the FORMS tab and submit or contact us for more information. Services that are being paid for by L&I, DVR or a Trust will be billed at the end of the service or monthly.
Can I use my vehicle for a driving evaluation?A company test vehicle, a 2018 Toyota Camry, is available for all evaluations and has the ability to be modified with adaptive equipment if necessary. If you prefer to use your vehicle and do not need adaptive equipment then you can use your vehicle if it meets our standards.
Where will the evaluation take place?Driving services will take place at our Everett office or at a mutually agreed upon location. Rehab services will take place at your home.
Is there special funding available for driving services?Yes. Evaluations and equipment may be funded by the Department of Labor and Industries and the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. Northwest Access Fund is a local non-profit organization that assists with low interest rate loans. Mobility dealerships also have financing available. In addition, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society has some grants available for individuals with an MS diagnosis. We do offer financial assistance for those that qualify. Please see the financial aid form under the FORMS tab or contact us for more information.
What type of medical diagnoses may need a driving evaluation?Any individual who has physical, cognitive or vision changes. Common diseases include Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury. In addition, individuals with cognitive decline, neurological disease, amputations, arthritis, short stature, or vision changes will benefit.
What if my license is expired or suspended?The WA state DOL will provide a time limited permit for the purposes of a comprehensive driving evaluation. Contact your local department of licensing for details.
Is there anything else I should know?For our driving service remember to bring your drivers license or permit, corrective lenses and reading glasses. We recommend that you be driven to and from the evaluation.
What if I don't know how to drive but may need adaptive equipment?We recommend that you take either an in-person or on-line drivers training class at a local driving school to learn the rules of the road. Once you have your drivers permit contact us to schedule an evaluation. If you have concerns about your potential to drive independently please contact us to schedule this assessment.
Is there a mask requirement for services?It is up to each client if they want to wear a mask. Please know that we follow the CDC and Washington State guidelines for healthcare professionals. Specifically, Jennifer washes and sanitizes her hands before and after working with a client. All frequently touched surfaces in the test vehicle are sanitized regularly.
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